Monday, November 17, 2014


We at Wider Than the Sky want to extend our thanks and gratitude to everyone who attended and participated in our first annual neighborhood toy store day!  It was a resounding success!  We appreciate our customers who shop locally; it is because of you that we are still here today during these challenging economic times, particularly in the Northeast Kingdom.

Our goal was, is, and will continue to be the stocking of quality toys that stimulate, educate, and provide the ability to create.  With all our busyness, we have lost so much of "family time."  We aim to provide products to our customers that hopefully will bring families together again, such as playing a board game, doing an art project, or just reading together.

"Your local independent toy store is the ideal place to find quality, developmentally appropriate playthings for children of all ages", newborn to teens, and those now known as "tweens", along with puzzles and games for the entire family. "You’ll find a wide variety of open-ended toys and a knowledgeable staff that will help you make informed selections. The independent toy store is an integral part of your local community, serving as a resource for families and others interested in encouraging healthy growth through play. Shopping in locally owned stores keeps much of your purchase dollars in your local community. It’s a win-win experience: You get great service, creative products, and support local merchants at the same time."*
Again, to all our customers who participate in the local shopping experience, we say thank you for your support and loyalty.

* Source: "World's Best-Kept Shopping Secret," Deborah Scholl/Susan Oliver,

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